Friday, May 9, 2008

Ralph Nader joins in car roof crush protest at NHTSA

Roof Crush Rally at NHTSA from BBBloch on Vimeo.

Can you imagine any of the other presidential candidates taking time to participate in a protest during their campaign in hopes of helping make government workers and the public more aware of an important issue? I certainly can't. They're all too busy going around making superficial appearances and studying polling numbers.

Let's get past the same old with McCain, as well as the weaker calls for change coming from Hillary Clinton and Wall Street's boy Barack Obama -- by the way, I remain convinced that he's a bigger corporate sellout than Hillary.

If we really want transformation in this country, then there's only one person for the job -- the only one who really cares more about the good of the people than about winning an election: Ralph Nader.

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